Energy Medicine Healing sessions include Energy clearing, balancing and restoring of the body's energy centers and fields as well as providing any intuitive insights and guidance received.
Havening Techniques is a healing modality designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body.
Integrative Medicine Health Coaching promotes wellness by getting to the root causes of physical imbalances and providing guidance to correct those imbalances. Some laboratory testing available.
The Emotion Code is designed to help alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, and restore love to relationships by releasing trapped emotions from the body.
The Body Code™ is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help uncover and correct the root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in the body and spirit.
The Belief Code follows the same process as the Emotion Code and Body Code, except that we are looking for and releasing negative belief systems and any associated imbalances.
Energy Medicine Healing Sessions include Energy clearing, balancing and restoring of the body's energy centers and fields as well as any intuitive insights or guidance received. Energy Medicine sessions can be over the phone, online via Zoom or remote.
The Emotion Code is designed to help alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, and restore love to relationships by releasing trapped emotions from the body. Sessions can either be working toward general wellness, targeted to address physical or emotional issues, or specific goals/desires. We will work to release 5-10 trapped emotions per session. Releasing Trapped Emotions sessions are over the phone or email only.
Session to identify and release trapped emotions in the body related to a particular issue, concern or goal. You will also receive a written email summarizing what emotions were released, and any other details identified during the session.
Email Sessions are done solely via email. Simply book and pay for a session. Barbara will email you to request information about what you want to focus on. After the session is complete, you will receive an email report detailing exactly what was identified and cleared. Convenient and easy for those super busy people.
Price reflects a $20 discount when a package of 3 - 30 Minute Emotion Code / Body Code sessions are purchased.
Pay for the package with the link below.
To schedule appointments for the package: click the Appointment Scheduler at the top of this website to identify days/times desired. DO NOT book via the Appointment Scheduler but rather email Barbara with dates/times desired and she will book those for you.
The Body Code is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help uncover and correct the root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in the body and spirit. Sessions are focused on identifying and correcting imbalances that can causing physical, emotional and spiritual issues. Body Code sessions are offered over the phone or email only.
This session is for those who want help in identifying and correcting imbalances that can cause physical and emotional problems. You will receive a written email summarizing exactly what imbalances were identified and cleared, and any other details identified during the session.
A little longer Body Code Session to go deeper into clearing imbalances.
Email Sessions are done solely via email. Simply book and pay for a session. Barbara will email you to request information about what you want to focus on. After the session is complete, you will receive an email report detailing exactly what was identified and cleared. Convenient and easy for those super busy people.
Price reflects a $20 discount when a package of 3 - 30 Minute Emotion Code / Body Code sessions are purchased.
Pay for the package with the link below.
To schedule appointments for the package: click the Appointment Scheduler at the top of this website to identify days/times desired. DO NOT book via the Appointment Scheduler but rather email Barbara with dates/times desired and she will book those for you.
Price reflects a $20 discount when a package of 3 - 45 Minute Body Code / Belief Code sessions are purchased.
Pay for the package with the link below.
To schedule appointments for the package: click the Appointment Scheduler at the top of this website to identify days/times desired. DO NOT book via the Appointment Scheduler but rather email Barbara with dates/times desired and she will book those for you.
The Belief Code is an energy healing modality used to uncover and release unwanted, negative beliefs systems from the subconscious mind to free your mind, body and spirit. The Belief Code builds on the foundation of the Emotion Code, and the Body Code, and takes energy healing even further. Belief Code sessions are offered over the phone or email only.
This session is for those who want help in identifying and releasing subconscious unwanted and negative beliefs related to life's problems, issues and concerns. You will receive a written email summarizing exactly what beliefs and associated imbalances were identified and cleared during the session.
Email Sessions are done solely via email. Simply book and pay for a session. Barbara will email you to request information about what you want to focus on. After the session is complete, you will receive an email report detailing exactly what was identified and cleared. Convenient and easy for those super busy people.
Price reflects a $20 discount when a package of 3 - 45 Minute Body Code / Belief Code sessions are purchased.
Pay for the package with the link below.
To schedule appointments for the package: click the Appointment Scheduler at the top of this website to identify days/times desired. DO NOT book via the Appointment Scheduler but rather email Barbara with dates/times desired and she will book those for you.
Integrative Medicine Health Coaching promotes wellness by getting to the root causes of physical imbalances and providing guidance to correct those imbalances. Sessions available online via Zoom.
Health and wellness coaching session or lab review consultation. Includes Energy Medicine healing as needed.
Testing 176 different foods and food additives. Testing requires a blood draw - approximately $40-50 plus 75-minute Health Coaching Session for lab data review additional fee.
The information and services provided by Barbara Pylka are not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Barbara Pylka is not a licensed medical professional or other licensed professional and cannot offer medical, legal, or financial advice.
Information obtained within any session with Barbara Pylka is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.
Energy Medicine is Energy Healing which promotes physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being. Combining scientific knowledge and intuitive understanding of the energies of the physical and energetic bodies, the Energy Medicine practitioner applies energy to the body’s energy systems to clear, create balance, restore and raise the vibration of the body’s energy fields.
Everything is Energy. Medicine is used to heal and prevent disease. Energy Medicine uses energy to create balance that allows for healing.
Imbalance and illness occur, whether it be mental, emotional or physical, when we repress or resist our emotions creating stagnation in one or more of our energy systems. Prolonged energy imbalances can lead to dis-ease. We all have some level of unresolved issues from this lifetime or other lifetimes. The more compromised the energy fields of the body become the weaker our fields are, leaving us vulnerable to experience more of what caused the stagnation initially. When we have weaker energetic boundaries, we are more vulnerable to a wide variety of external influences such as other people emotions, energy vampires and narcissistic personalities, as well as dark energies that only further perpetuate our emotional and psychological issues. Imbalances in the energy field can also cause repeated negative patterns in behavior and social engagement such as inability to manage stress, lost jobs or lack of success, feeling stuck, or moving from one bad relationship after another.
When the source of the illness is known whether it be an external influence, false beliefs about us, judgements or resentment of others, or ancestral issues, then one can better deal with the issues and learn the lessons we are here to learn for our spiritual evolution and well-being.
Clearing and Balancing the Energy systems of our body and our emotions, heals the body, the mind and the soul. When we have clear and balanced systems, we have a clearer and greater connection to our Divine Source and to the joyful and loving life we all desire. We then have greater access to our Divine purpose and our spiritual gifts.
Barbara works with Divine energy to clear and balance the related energy systems of the body, providing energy for clearing disruptive energetic patterns, cords, blockages, entities and other interference.
Barbara has a unique spiritual gift for effectively clearing people, pets and spaces.
Intuitive Readings with Energy Medicine Sessions include Energy clearing and balancing of the energy centers and fields as well as any insights and guidance received.
Barbara is also trained in the Polyvagal theory (Vagus nerve) with tools for helping you to manage your own nervous system: great for relaxation, and for relieving stress and anxiety.
"Healing comes from taking responsibility: to realize that it is you - and no one else - that creates your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions."
- Peter Shepherd
-Stress relief
-Emotional Balance
-Emotional well-being
-Energy Balancing
-Sense of Well-Being
-Renewed sense of Life and Vitality
-Greater connection to self
-Dark Energy removal
-Clearing Energetic and Spiritual
-Clearing Blockages and Attachments that are holding you back and keeping you stuck
-Past Life and Multi-Dimensional Healing
-Understanding the gift of being Empathic
-Understanding your intuitive nature
-Home/space clearing
Do you have Trapped Emotions?
Do you feel like your past is negatively influencing your current experiences? Do you feel triggered, guarded, blocked, emotions that are overwhelming or inappropriate, running the same pattern of behavior over and over again, while not quite feeling free to be yourself? These and many others can be the effects of trapped emotions in our bodies.
What is a Trapped Emotion?
Trapped emotions (aka emotional baggage) are emotions trapped in the body from a past experience that we couldn’t fully process at the time, and we unknowingly saved them to be processed at a later time by our subconscious mind. We bury those feelings or put them behind us.
What happens when we have trapped emotions?
Emotions are energy and unless those trapped emotions are processed and released from the body, they can in time, cause energetic imbalances in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Symptoms of trapped emotions can show up in a variety of different ways, such as:
· Illness and disease
· Premature aging and slower healing time
· Fatigue
· Pain and discomfort
· Breakdown of organs, glands, joints, tissues
· Low self-esteem
· Feeling closed off from others
· Blocked from creative or artistic endeavors
· Blocked from financial gain or abundance
· And various other symptoms
Trapped emotions puts the body under stress all the time.
What happens when we Release Imbalances?
When we remove the imbalances that are interfering with the body’s own ability to heal itself, the body’s own natural healing ability returns. We remove the imbalance, and the body can heal. The Emotion Code gives you a fast, reliable and easy way to remove the most common type of imbalance: trapped emotions.
What is the Emotion Code?
The Emotion Code System of releasing Trapped Emotions was created by Dr Bradley Nelson (D.C. ret) after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher. The Emotion Code is designed to help alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, and restore love to relationships. The Emotion Code works for both humans and animals.
With the Emotion Code we are not deleting or altering memories, rather we are working to remove the emotional charge of those memories. We can still remember the memory and how we felt, without really feeling it again. As a result, your subconscious mind may bring up painful memories less often because it doesn’t need to bring attention to it anymore now that the emotional charge has been removed.
Possible positive outcomes after just one Emotion Code session:
· Ease physical discomfort: you may get relief from physical issues, and potentially remove their causes
· Love and relationships: you can remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect to yourself and others
· Create more success: you may open the door to prosperity and experience more abundance
· Healing generations: it is possible that as you heal yourself, you are able to heal the past and future generations
Releasing Trapped Emotions has the potential to create more balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and allow you to live a better, healthier and happier life.
How many trapped emotions does a person have?
It is normal for children to have only a few trapped emotions. Adults may have anywhere from 100 to 1000 or more, depending on how well they were able to deal with their life’s experiences. Each trapped emotion is unique. No two emotions are the same, each is packed with its own frequency, who was involved, the event, story etc. Just like snowflakes and moments in time, each is unique.
What to expect from an Emotion Code session to remove Trapped Emotions:
What if you knew it was possible to release old emotional baggage, without having to discuss the details of the past?
As a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Barbara will work with your subconscious mind, ask simple yes/no questions to identify the trapped emotions that are affecting you, and then use energy to release that emotion from your body and energy field. There is no need to discuss details or relive painful memories. We only need to identify the emotion and then release it. We can only experience so many emotions at once, therefore we can only release so many emotions in one session. Each trapped emotion wants/needs its moment of recognition before it can be released from the body. We need to acknowledge each emotion to be able to process it and let it go. We release trapped emotions one at a time. One session usually includes the release of 5-10 trapped emotions.
You will find after doing a session to release trapped emotions that the symptoms get a lot better or may even go away completely. If the symptoms come back after a while, that is just more communication from the body that needs to be listened to. It’s the body’s way of saying, that worked, but there is more that needs to be cleared.
Is it time to get rid of your emotional baggage?
For more information about the Emotion Code and Releasing Trapped Emotions see the "More Information" session below.
The Heart-Wall is a wall of emotions around the heart. It is helpful when you need it. It is a barrier against emotional pain, dulling the sensations of heartache. However, the Heart-Wall can also create emotional callousness and separation from self and others.
Potential effects of having a Heart-Wall:
Common physical effects can include:
· Neck, shoulder, or chest discomfort
· Fatigue
· Respiratory issues
· Lower immune system function
· Chronic issues
· And more
Common emotional and relationship effects:
· Feel more negative emotions
· Disconnection form others
· Unmotivated, lack of joy
· Feel empty
· Feel stuck in comfort zone and unable to move out of it
· Creative blocks; creativity is shut down
· Self-sabotage
· And more
Heart wall emotions
Each emotion is one layer of the collective heart wall. The number of layers that the Heart-Wall has depends on the person and their past experiences and stressful events that the subconscious mind has been protective of. Most commonly, there are 5 to 25 heart wall emotions but not uncommon to find 50 or more. It may take one to many sessions to completely remove the Heart-Wall. Once all the emotions/layers of the Heart-Wall have been removed, the Heart-Wall is gone.
Possible Heart-Wall removal benefits:
· Feel lighter, happier, calmer and more confident
· Create deeper connections with people than you have in the past
· Have or feel more empathy for yourself and others
· Experience more love
· Find greater success and creativity
· Feel better physically
Results can be immediate or gradual and realization is after the fact. Things just might feel more comfortable with people and life.
Wouldn’t it be nice to experience how different life could be once your Heart-Wall is removed?
Are You Feeling Stuck?
Chronic issues are an indication that the healing process is stalled, stuck or not working properly. When the imbalances responsible for this stagnation are released, the body will immediately begin healing.
The Body Code™ is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help uncover the root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in the body and spirit, while providing the opportunity to correct or release them energetically.
Energy Healing Benefits of the Body Code
· Emotional Wellness: Achieve energetic balance when you remove trapped emotions, internalized trauma, old patterns of thoughts and beliefs, and more.
· Body System Balance: Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems and how they connect to one another.
· Toxin Resolution: Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, and other toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance.
· Pathogen Resolution: Identify fungal, bacterial, viral, mold or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
· Structural Balance: Support the proper function of bones, nerves and connective tissues and alignment.
· Nutrition and Lifestyle: Identify herbs and nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits that your body needs.
What is an imbalance?
An imbalance is a distortion within the energy systems of the body.
Common imbalances in the body include:
· Trapped emotions
· Negative thoughts and associations
· Toxins
· Pathogens
· Nutritional deficiencies
· Negative energetic influences
· And more
What are the effects of imbalances?
The effects of imbalances happen on all dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When imbalances persist in the body and mind, symptoms occur, become chronic, organ/gland dysfunction can occur, leading to a disease and illness.
What are symptoms?
A symptom is a signal from the body indicating that something is out of balance, and it needs help. Think of it as a “check engine light” that is initiated by an imbalance in the body. Symptoms are signals of imbalances. A system under pressure will fail at its weakest link.
What happens when we Release Imbalances?
When we remove the imbalances that are interfering with the body’s own ability to heal itself, the body’s own natural healing ability returns. We remove the imbalance, and the body can heal.
Healing depends on:
The person’s conscious readiness and willingness to heal. Willingness to take responsibility for their own health and what is going on. There is no substitute for the desire to get better. All healing is innate to the body. Healing can be influenced and helped but does not originate from outside the body.
The Healing Process:
The Body Code helps to balance the overall state of the body, improving health in all dimensions. This can happen rapidly, and a person may experience some ups and downs while this occurs. Ups and downs are normal and often necessary as your body adjusts to the changes in energy. (Always remember to seek proper medical advice when needed)
Time is often required for complete healing to occur. The amount of time needed depends on the overall imbalance in the body. Sometimes during the healing process, old injuries that didn’t quite heal properly in the past, might flare up and go through the process along with the other issues that are being cleared. If something still needs to be healed, it could bubble up to be healed while working on other things.
It doesn’t end with physical wellness. The Body Code was designed not just to bring relief to physical conditions. The possibility for unlimited health and happiness is here.
· By identifying and releasing underlying energetic imbalances, you may feel connected to your true self.
· You may clear emotional baggage to feel happier and more at peace than ever before.
· Strengthen relationships and find love: when you release the negative energy of past emotional experiences related to love, relationships, and family ties, you may open your heart to the possibility of true and lasting love of all kinds.
· Pave the way for freedom and creativity: unleash your creativity and attain higher levels of success by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure, and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances.
· Shatter blocks to wealth and success: unlock your potential wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that may be causing money blocks and other limitations that could hold you back from your true potential.
The Subconscious Mind Knows All
The human being is a beautifully complex system with many components interacting and the subconscious mind knows about all of them. The subconscious mind controls identifying, classifying and recognizing something as an imbalance and can tell us what is standing in our way and preventing healing from happening. The subconscious mind has all the answers. Those answers can be the key to achieving optimum wellness.
What to expect from a Body Code session:
As a Certified Body Code Practitioner, Barbara will work with your subconscious mind, ask simple yes/no questions to identify the imbalances that are negatively affecting you, and then use energy to release them from your body and energy field.
Every imbalance is unique with its own unique energetic frequency and vibration. Each has its own story. Because each imbalance is unique, they must be identified and released individually. Everything is energy and every imbalance has the potential to be cleared energetically.
Bodies can only process so much energy at once and sessions are limited to 40 minutes. More releases equal more healing.
After doing a Body Code session to release imbalances that the symptoms get a lot better or may even go away completely. If the symptoms come back after a while, that is just more communication from the body that needs to be listened to. It’s the body’s way of saying, that worked, but there is more that needs to be cleared.
The Body Code: Unlock Your Body’s Ability to Heal Itself
For more information about the Body Code see the "More Information" session below.
“Future Medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”
~Albert Einstein
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think of terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~Nikola Tesla
“Energy medicine is the last great frontier in medicine.”
~Dr Mehmot Oz
“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ~Hippocrates
“What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
~Albert Einstein
“Anything can cause anything.”
~Dr. Bradley Nelson
What is the Belief Code®?
The Belief Code® is an energy healing modality used to uncover and release unwanted, negative belief systems from the subconscious mind to free your mind, body and spirit. The Belief Code builds on the foundation of the Emotion Code®, and the Body Code™, and takes energy healing even further.
The Belief Code:
· Identifies faulty core beliefs, either single beliefs or belief systems
· Identifies associated imbalances related to those beliefs, such as trapped emotions
· Releases those related imbalances and beliefs energetically
What is a Belief System?
Our Core Belief System can impact how we view every aspect of our lives. Beliefs are created for survival purposes and most of them are entirely subconscious. They allow for us to have quick reactions and responses to life’s experiences. We can have beliefs about ourselves, about others and about the world. We acquire beliefs through self-conclusions, suggestions, or inheritance.
There are four main layers of a Faulty Belief System that are addressed by the Belief Code:
· Faulty Core Identity is the original story of the belief system. These often begin when we are children and we absorb the ideas and thoughts around us without question. These become so closely associated with our identity that they may not be recognizable to us. This is our first filter that we use to determine everything else.
· Faulty Core Belief is when a negative belief is reinforced and supported, and that belief begins to grow and even become additional beliefs. This is the seed or the original belief in the Belief system.
· Limiting Belief is the reason why the belief system exists. This belief is most likely something you believe about yourself or the world. You may have no idea that this thought is in your subconscious mind.
· Negative Program is the result of the belief system. These are negative automatic thoughts. These are the more obvious statements, thoughts and behaviors we have. They can be recognized as negative self-talk and negative thoughts.
How Does the Belief Code Work?
The Belief code follows the same process as the Emotion Code and the Body code by accessing the subconscious mind and allowing it to guide us to the beliefs that needs to be addressed. It uses mind-mapping technology with seven main categories: Divine, Insight, Communication, Love, Power, Passion and Survival, with subcategories in each.
Why the Belief Code Works?
· Beliefs and Belief systems are made of energy. Energy is vibrational information.
· Energy reflects and affects physiology. What is going on in the body, is imprinted in the energy field.
· Energetic imbalances distort our energy field causing distress/disease in mind and body.
· The body seeks balance and health, but sometimes needs help to re-establish it. The body knows how to heal itself.
· The body/subconscious mind will lead us to the origin of imbalance, such as trapped emotions, negative beliefs, misalignments, toxins and others.
· Releasing these imbalances often results in improvement in emotional, mental and physical health. Changes in the energetic body, creates changes in the physical body.
Benefits of the Belief Code
· Releases negative belief systems, and creates space for new empowering thoughts
· Allows you to see yourself and the world around you from a new perspective
· Reprograms your mind and can dramatically change your outlook
· Releases belief systems that your body has held on to, long after your mind has let them go
· Frees your mind, body, and spirit from beliefs that have been holding you back
What to expect from a Belief Code session:
As a Certified Belief Code Practitioner, Barbara will work with your subconscious mind, ask simple yes/no questions to identify the beliefs that are negatively affecting you, identify any associated imbalances, such as trapped emotions, and then use energy to release them all from your body and energy field.
After doing a Belief Code session to release negative beliefs or a belief system, and the associated imbalances, symptoms you have may get a lot better or may even go away completely. You may feel lighter and more motivated to participate in the life you desire.
Are You Ready to Let Go of Unwanted Subconscious Beliefs?
“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become our reality.”
~ Earl Nightingale
“Fundamental, absolute, and lasting comprehensions that a person develops about him or herself, others, and the world. They are constructed from the effort of extracting meaning from significant childhood or formative experiences.”
~ Aaron Beck, father of CBT
“Our core beliefs need to be seen for what they are: deeply held assumptions about reality that our particular life circumstances have conditioned us to accept as absolute truth.”
~ Ezra Bayda, Zen teacher
What is Havening?
Havening Techniques is a psychosensory technique that uses simple touch to permanently eliminate unwanted feelings from distressing memories and events. This modality is extremely useful for promoting self-growth, as it can be used to plant positive concepts within the brain. The Havening Techniques engages our inherent biological system to permanently heal, strengthen and empower our minds and bodies. The Havening Techniques have been developed by Ronald A. Ruden M.D., Ph.D. and his brother Steven J. Ruden, D.D.S., ICF/ACC.
The Havening Techniques are powerful tools that can be used to alleviate the consequences of traumatic or stressful events.
Havening or Delta Techniques™ is a method which is designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body.
The Havening Techniques are healing modalities designed to help individuals overcome problems that are the consequence of traumatic or stressful encoding. They belong to a larger group of methods called psychosensory therapies, which use sensory input to alter thought, mood and behavior. The system is comprised of protocols and methods that use touch as a therapeutic tool we call Havening Touch®. This touch generates a delta wave in the brain and as a consequence we also refer to Havening Techniques as Delta Techniques™. Havening can be used within a psycho-therapeutic setting with professional mental health-care clinicians who have been fully trained and certified in the Havening Techniques. These techniques can also be used by non-licensed and /or allied health care professionals as a protocol for coaching, wellness and stress reduction.
Is Havening Permanent?
It’s not possible to provide any guarantees but once Havening is successful it has shown to be permanent in most cases. This is because Havening is believed to alter the biological structure of the brain. The return of symptoms implies either the traumatic core has not yet been found or the problem has been encoded in a different way. In particular, addictive and obsessive/compulsive behaviors, certain pain syndromes and vasovagal (e.g. Fainting) issues often need reinforcement or cannot be treated with the Havening Techniques at the present time. No therapy works for all problems, but Havening is demonstrating that it’s possible to successfully treat disorders that have not been resolved by western medicine. Although the Havening Techniques appear to have promising emotional, mental, and physical health benefits, they have yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities and, therefore may be considered experimental. The Havening Techniques are self-regulated and they are considered alternative or complementary healing methods in the United States.
For an Introduction of the Havening Techniques:
For a brief introduction on the neuroscience behind the Havening Techniques, by Doug O'Brien:
For additional information go to the official Havening website:
These techniques were inspired by a conversation in 2001 that turned into a book “When the Past is Always Present” and became the Havening Techniques, with the first official training occurring in May 2013, London. Now we have grown and spread to all corners of the world, with practitioners in Alaska to New Zealand and hundreds in between.
"Unhappiness comes from living the life of two people - the one people want you to be and the one you want to be."
- Shannon L. Alder
The consequences of traumatic encoding can be physical and psychological.
Havening has been shown to help with:
· Phobias
· Chronic pain
· Distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, etc.)
· Victims of natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.) and man-made (war, fire, assault, home intrusion, etc.)
· Emotional disturbances (grief, sadness, guilt, shame, etc.)
· Fear of abandonment
· Stress and resilience
· Self Esteem and Confidence
· Beliefs
· Overall Wellness
· Sexual abuse
· Panic attacks
· Sports
· Performance enhancement
· Public speaking
· Cravings
· Emotional eating
· Visualization and Creativity
· Focus and Motivation towards Goals
These are just a few, find more and review testimonials on the Havening website.
Please note that if Barbara Pylka, as an Alternative Health Care provider, is not be able to assist you with any issue as defined by her scope of practice, she will be happy to refer you to a licensed health care provider who is also a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner. You can also search for one at:
What is an Integrative Medicine Health Coach?
An integrative Medicine Health Coach promotes wellness by getting to the root causes of imbalances and providing guidance to correct those imbalances. The root causes can be identified by looking at your health history, your lifestyle and through laboratory testing. An Integrative Medicine Health Coach partners with you to meet your health and wellness goals by re-balancing the root problems that are causing you issues. Personalized recommendations are provided to help you achieve your goals that may include lifestyle changes, exercise, stress reduction techniques, nutritional guidance, detoxification programs, botanicals and nutritional supplements.
How is an Integrative Medicine Health Coach different from a normal Health Coach?
Integrative Medicine Health Coaches use Functional Medicine laboratory testing to determine exactly what is going on with your body in regards to how well you manage stress by looking at your cortisol levels produced by the adrenal glands, hormone levels, any food sensitivities you are currently dealing with, and any out of balance gut issues that can include bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections or pathogens. There is no guessing. The lab tests show what is going on and recommendations are based on those results.
What are the factors that influence your health?
Environmental: The air you breathe, the water you drink, the diet you eat, the quality of food available to you, your level of physical activity, exposure to toxins, and chronic stress or traumas you have and are experiencing all affect your health.
Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit: Psychological, spiritual, social factors, and relationships all can have a profound influence on your health and well-being. Healing our emotional wounds can be the first step to physical health. Integrative Medicine sees your health in the context of you as a whole person, not just your physical symptoms.
Genetics: Although individual genes may make you more susceptible to some diseases, your DNA may not have to be a negative influence for your life. Emerging research, in the field of epigenetics, shows that your genes may be influenced by everything in your environment, your lifestyle choices, as well as your experiences, your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. That means it is possible to transform the way your genes express themselves by altering the way you live, what you eat and what you are exposed to.
What you can expect when working with an Integrative Medicine Health Coach:
· Recommendations for Functional Medicine laboratory testing based on your symptoms and health history.
· Support to achieve overall wellness with individualized recommendations for healthy lifestyle changes, detoxification, diet and nutrition, supplementation, fitness, as well as emotional and mental support that are specific for you.
· Support with weight imbalances, food cravings, sleep, energy improvement, stress management, digestive wellness and improved diet.
· Education and information on how stress impacts our lives and the effects it has on our bodies, our emotions, digestion/elimination, and hormone levels.
· Support from someone that listens to you and your health concerns with compassion and understanding
Take the steps to better health and wellness
There is no magic pill or quick fix to your health and healing can take time. Supplements alone will not completely rebalance your system, as they are only a part of the bigger picture of who you are. Dietary and lifestyle changes, detoxification, stress management, emotional and mental healing, as well as exercise, all play a role in optimizing your health. If you are willing to make a commitment to yourself and make the necessary changes, then you are ready to begin the journey to feeling better and maintaining lasting health and wellness.
Some issues that can be alleviated and most often eliminated:
-Aches and pains
-Joint pain
-Gut and digestive issues
-Gas and Bloating
-Acid Reflux
-Constipation / Diarrhea
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Leak Gut
-Parasites, mold, SIBO, yeast
-Candida overgrowth
-Skin issues, hives, rashes, acne etc.
-Hormonal imbalances
-Estrogen Dominance
-Adrenal fatigue
-Weight imbalances
-Food cravings
-Food sensitivities
-Sleep disturbances
-Blood sugar issues
-Brain fog and concentration issues
-Low libido
-Low mood
-Autoimmune disease and other chronic conditions.
-Mold / Biotoxin illness
-Toxicity: environmental and heavy metals
Based on your story, and health history, Barbara may make a recommendation for you to contact an Integrative Medicine doctor for follow up if she feels additional support for you is needed that would be outside of her scope of practice.
Price reflects a $20 discount when a package of 3 - 30 Minute Emotion Code / Body Code sessions are purchased.
Package is for individual use only and cannot be shared with anyone else.
Package must be used within one year from date of purchase.
Refunds: not permitted once package is purchased.
To schedule appointments for the package: click the Appointment Scheduler at the top of this website to identify days/times desired. DO NOT book via the Appointment Scheduler but rather email Barbara with dates/times desired and she will book those for you.
Price reflects a $20 discount when a package of 3 - 45 Minute Body Code / Belief Code sessions are purchased.
Package is for individual use only and cannot be shared with anyone else.
Package must be used within one year from date of purchase.
Refunds: not permitted once package is purchased.
To schedule appointments for the package: click the Appointment Scheduler at the top of this website to identify days/times desired. DO NOT book via the Appointment Scheduler but rather email Barbara with dates/times desired and she will book those for you.
Barbara Pylka
Intuitive Healer
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Shamanic Practitioner
Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code Practitioner
Havening Techniques practitioner
EFT & TFT Tapping Master Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique & Thought Field Therapy)
Reiki Master
Integrative Medicine Health Coach
Barbara has a bachelor's degree in biology from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul MN and has always had a passion for learning about health, healing, nature and the spirit world. For over thirty-five years she has been an IT professional in the airline industry which has allowed her the ability to travel the world, experience different cultures, and meet interesting people, while learning from and experiencing many different modern and indigenous healing rituals and modalities.
Barbara's personal health issues throughout her life have driven her to seek out the causes of illness and find lasting health. Discouraged by western medicine she took charge of her own healing and has successfully overcome many problems such as addiction, depression, anxiety, spiritual entities, PTSD, Biotoxin illness, Lyme, parasites and breast cancer. She has sought out the knowledge, wisdom and healing from some of the most amazing teachers, healers, doctors and Shamans in North and South America.
Barbara's innate intuitive, shamanic and empathic gifts include the ability to feel, see and effectively remove cords, curses, entities and other energetic interference from a person's energy field and chakras. Throughout her life, she has gained vast experience in traversing time and space and working with benevolent and malevolent spiritual beings. While communicating with the spirit world, she is able to see past lives and past events and help one to better manage stress and to find more peace and balance in life. She works directly with Divine spirit, angels, light beings, animal spirits and spiritual guides for energy healing, wisdom and insight.
Other interests and experience: reading, meditation, flower essences, sound healing, yoga, working with crystal energy, and essential oils.
Barbara is located in Minnesota USA
Email Barbara with any questions:
Photos of Barbara by Mary Catherine